A Blog by Jonathan Low


Dec 26, 2015

The World's Data Will More Than Quadruple In the Next Five Years

Awesome. Now all we have to do is collect, manage and interpret it...JL

Quartz reports:

Data is expected to double every two years for the next decade, hitting 45,000 exabytes in 2020.
Thanks to advancements in technology and connectivity, data creation is skyrocketing upwards, inundating companies with massive amounts of new, insight-rich information. This data is expected to double every two years for the next decade, hitting 45,000 exabytes in 2020.
In theory, businesses stand to gain tremendous value from this trove of digital material, but doing so can be overwhelming. These datasets are vast, varied, and ever mutating. In order to derive value from these assets, businesses need advanced tools capable of quickly parsing out relevant information and making connections across disparate data sources, both inside and outside of the enterprise.


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