change-ready enterprise environments that are able to meet today’s dynamic digital demands. The competitive advantage of this “liquid workforce,” as we call it, is clear: IT and business executives we surveyed in conjunction with Accenture Tech Vision 2016 reported that “deep expertise for the specialized task at hand” was only the fifth-most-important characteristic they required for employees to perform well in a digital work environment, behind qualities such as the ability to quickly learn or shift gears— indicating that leaders place a premium on candidates they believe will evolve with their business.
 Platform economy. Industry leaders are unleashing technology’s power by developing platform-based business models and strategies to capture new growth opportunities, driving the most profound change in the global macroeconomic environment since the First Industrial Revolution. In fact, four out of five respondents we surveyed said that platform-based business models will become part of their organization’s core growth strategy within three years.  And while these models are driving a major macroeconomic shift, adopting them does not mean giving up on existing business—i.e., value chain—models, which will often provide the new platform’s foundational strength.
Predictable disruption. Fast-emerging digital ecosystems—think precision agriculture, the Industrial Internet or smart cities—are creating the foundation for the next big wave of enterprise disruptions by straddling markets and blurring industry boundaries; four out of five of our survey respondents said that they are already seeing this in their industries. Forward-thinking leaders can proactively predict these ecosystem trajectories to gain a competitive advantage, developing their own ecosystem strategies and riding the results into new markets—but they must start now.
 Digital Trust. Trust is a cornerstone of the digital economy; without it, digital businesses can’t use and share the data that underpins their operations. But better security, on its own, won’t be enough. To gain the trust of individuals, ecosystems and regulators in this new landscape, businesses must focus on digital ethics as a core strategy, with strong security and ethics at each stage of the customer journey.  Businesses that get this right will enjoy such high levels of trust that their customers will look to them as guides for the digital future.
Succeeding in today’s digital world is a challenge that can’t be solved simply by consuming more and more technology; rather, it must focus on people. And one the digital journey can’t be just delegated to a chief digital or technology officer; it must be driven from the top, with the CEO and other top leaders embracing digital change.  This point was evident in discussions at Davos and is resonating in boardrooms around the world.  Companies that understand that the digital revolution is as much about people as it is about technology will be able to develop the capabilities needed to adapt and succeed.