A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jun 27, 2016

Why Scientists Think We Should Be Working Three Day Weeks

Another socialist fantasy - or a reflection of the reality that cognitive overload affects performance in the big data era?

The issue, as the following article explains, is that there is only so much information we can effectively process, especially for those over the age of 40.

This does not mean we should be paid five days' compensation for three days' work, but that we need to provide a more stimulating and varied work environment in order to optimize the output - and outcomes - of our people and organizations. Who's got the time and the money: most enterprises have employed technology to reduce staff size and expand responsibilities. Which means the process has already started, but the benefits can best be realized when the emphasis is not on efficiency but productivity. JL

Joe Myers reports in the World Economic Forum:

For up to 25 hours a week, cognitive function was improved by working more. However, after that increasing working hours begins to have a negative impact on cognition.
The over-40s are at their best if they work fewer than 25 hours a week, according to new research.
The study, published by the University of Melbourne, looked at the cognitive ability of Australians aged over 40. For up to 25 hours a week, cognitive function was improved by working more. However, after that increasing working hours begins to have a negative impact on cognition.
“In the middle and older age, working part-time could be effective in maintaining cognitive ability,” conclude the authors. “Our study highlights that too much work can have adverse effects on cognitive functioning.”
The researchers used the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey and three measures of cognitive ability. Their results are outlined in the chart below.
 Estimated impacts of working hours on cognitive skills
Image: Shinya Kajitani, Colin McKenzie and Kei Sakata
The charts highlight the peak in cognitive skills at around the 25-hour mark – for both men and women. This initially declines gradually, until a steep drop as working hours become much longer.
However, the study did only assess over-40s, so whether they are any different from the rest of the population is not clear. Equally, the gradual decline indicates that longer working hours up to a point are possible, without significant impact on performance.
Geraint Johnes, professor of economics at Lancaster University is quoted by the BBC as saying: “The research looks only at over-40s, and so cannot make the claim that over-40s are different from any other workers.”
An ageing population
The results are potentially significant as the global population ages and people work later in life. The authors highlight that for those over the age of 40, working part-time – for example three days a week – could have cognitive benefits, both for workers and business.
Although limited in its scope, the study does offer a potential solution to making the most of an ageing workforce.
 Which nations have the highest percentage of people aged 60+?


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