Searches for 'vaccines near me' have increased five-fold in the past few weeks. JL
Napier Lopez reports in The Next Web:
Searches for “vaccines near me” have increased fivefold, according to Google, so in the coming weeks, the company will begin to make vaccination locations available on Google Maps and Search. The feature will display information like whether you’ll need an appointment or referral to get vaccinated, if the vaccine is limited to certain population groups, or if the vaccine is available at a drive-through location. Google (also) says it’s opening up select buildings, parking lots, and open spaces operated by the company for vaccine distribution.With COVID19 vaccines beginning to make their way around the world, there’s a glimmer of hope for this pandemic to end sometime within the next year. Searches for “vaccines near me” have increased fivefold, according to Google, so in the coming weeks, the company will begin to make vaccination locations available on Google Maps and Search.
The feature will roll out initially in Arizona, Louisiana, Mississipi, and Texas, “with more states and countries to come.” The feature will display information like whether you’ll need an appointment or referral to get vaccinated, if the vaccine is limited to certain population groups, or if the vaccine is available at a drive-through location.
Once the feature arrives, you might find yourself getting a vaccine at an unusual location: one of Google’s offices. The company says it’s opening up select buildings, parking lots, and open spaces operated by the company for vaccine distribution. This will start in LA and San Francisco, Kirkland in Washington, and New York City — other locations will arrive at a later date.
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