A Blog by Jonathan Low


Sep 10, 2023

Russia's Desperate Redeployments Risk Their Troops and Logistics

Ukrainian intelligence is seeing the deployment of elite Russian military units as a sign of desperation in the face of relentless Ukrainian advances.

These redeployments from elsewhere on the front or from operational reserves risk not only the troops themselves, but the already challenged Russian logistics charged with supporting them. JL 

Tendar reports in Twitter:

The deployment of the Russian 76th Guards Air Assault Division is an admission that the Ukrainian progress has reached such critical state for the Russian invasion army that they are  forced to deploy one of their best offensive forces for defense operations. It proves the level of desperation. Ukrainians are not only hammering the frontline but the logistical network of the Russian army. The more Russian troops move in, the harder it gets for them to sustain logistical support. Additionally, Russians are taking more risks by  bringing more of their troops into Ukrainian artillery range but also exposing other sectors. Ukrainian forces are cracking the Russian defense lines step by step. They drive a chisel into the lines and then widen the rift by moving into the flanks. This might not look fast, but it is how you break defense networks and it is working. This is, however, not even the most important news. More importantly are the Russian troop movements in that sector.


The deployment of the Russian 76th Guards Air Assault Division is an admission that the Ukrainian progress has reached such critical state for the Russian invasion army that they are even forced to deploy one of their offensive forces for defense operations. It does not only prove the level of desperation but also diminishes Russian capabilities for offensive operations. Furthermore, the Russian "offensive" at Kupyansk-Kreminna is now completely exposed as what it is: a diversionary attack. In reference to my post a few days ago, where I again - and repeatedly before - paraphrased the importance of logistics, I can only re-emphasize that the real battle in the South is about logistics and supply lines.


Ukrainians not only hammer the frontline but the whole logistical network of the Russian army. The more Russian troops move in, the harder it gets for them to sustain that level of logistical support, a proficiency where they already proved to be weak Additionally, Russians are taking more and more risks by not only bringing more of their troops into Ukrainian artillery range but also exposing other frontline sectors. The attrition rate of the Russian army units comes on top of that, too. We already have eye-witness accounts of Russian POWs, disclosing profound Russian losses even within their newly deployed formations such as the above mentioned 76th Division (check on latest posts).


The strategy of the Ukrainian Army might not look spectacular, but it works, when continued to its logical end. It is exactly how an army would operate in order to soften up an entrenched enemy to a point where it is untenable to continue to fight and withdraw. All what is needed is stamina and patience.


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