A Blog by Jonathan Low


Sep 13, 2023

Ukraine Extends Verbove Gains, As Fewer Mines, Helicopter Strikes Stymie Russians

Ukrainian forces are methodically extending their gains around Verbove as reports of fewer mines in front of the second and third Russian lines than were found in front of the first line prove to be true.

The Ukrainian advance builds on its advantages, as they are now able to employ tanks and helicopters more frequently due to reduced Russian ability to hit them. JL 

Mark Sumner reports in Daily Kos:

Ukraine is working methodically around Verbove to clear an extended area of the second (personnel) trench that was reached by Ukrainian forces last week. The Russians have made little or no progress in shaking Ukrainians out of the area Ukraine took on its initial push toward Verbove. Now Ukraine is extending that area in both directions. The whole so far appears to be much more lightly mined than the fields north of Robotyne. Ukraine has been bringing helicopters forward more frequently to launch missiles into Russian positions, as well as using cluster munitions. The combination appears to be working.

Multiple images today have suggested that Ukraine is working very methodically in the area around Verbove, southeast of Robotyne, to clear an extended area of the second (personnel) trench that was reached by Ukrainian forces last week. One of the advantages of a trench system is that defenders can press in from both sides to dislodge any opponents who make it over the lip, but Russian seemed to make little or no progress in shaking Ukraine out of the relatively small area that Ukraine took on its initial push toward Verbove.

Now Ukraine is extending that area in both directions. It would be nice to think that Ukrainian engineers are also clearing vehicle lanes so that armored forces could move closer and support the next leapfrog, but that’s not yet clear. The whole area so far appears to be much more lightly mined than the fields north of Robotyne.

Russian VDV are crying about Ukrainian aviation that is attacking their positions in the Robotyne-Verbove axis every day. Ukraine has also been bringing helicopters forward more frequently to launch missiles into Russian positions, as well as using cluster munitions over trenches. The combination appears to be working.


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