A Blog by Jonathan Low


May 31, 2024

Despite Offensive Pushes, "Russians Haven't Achieved A Single Operational Goal"

The Russians had a window of opportunity in the late winter and spring, as Ukrainian forces were running short of ammunition and troop reinforcements. That window is now closing fast and Russia has nothing to show for its efforts due to intelligent Ukrainian defensive tactics. JL 

Ukrinform reports:

Russia is trying to maintain the initiative in Ukraine until the window of opportunity closes again, but its forces “have not found much success” in recent weeks. In Donetsk, "Despite considerable offensive pushes, Ukraine's defensive efforts have been relatively successful, and Russian forces have not achieved a single major operational goal there. (North of Kharkiv), Russian forces have dialed back pressure and are concentrating on creating a buffer zone." There has been no change in Zaporizhzhia region in the south. The Russian army this month has suffered the largest personnel casualties since war's start.
Russia has not relaxed its offensive efforts in Ukraine and is trying to maintain the initiative until the window of opportunity closes again, but its forces “have not found much success” in recent weeks.

That’s according to an update by the Estonian Defense Forces’ General Staff, Ukrinform reports, referring to ERR.

“Russia has not let up general offensive pressure and is trying to hold on to the initiative for as long as the window of opportunity stays open, Vendla said, adding that despite everything, Russian armed forces have not found much success in recent weeks,” the report reads.


"Russian forces have dialed back pressure on Kharkiv and are concentrating on creating a buffer zone in the northern part of the settlement of Vovchansk," the report suggested, adding that Ukraine is trying to retake the initiative on the Kharkiv front by counterattacking, while Russia keeps moving new troops into the region to hold its positions and create the premise for offensive operations elsewhere should the need arise.

The center of gravity of the fighting is in the Donetsk area where the Russian offensive remains intensive, according to the report. "Despite considerable offensive pushes, Ukraine's defensive efforts have been relatively successful, and Russian forces have not achieved a single major operational goal there," the report noted.


There has been no change in Zaporizhzhia region in the south where Ukraine is also holding on to its bridgehead on the other side of the Dnipro.

Read also: Lithuania’s top diplomat comments on whether Ukraine can hit targets inside Belarus

The report says Russia has continued artillery strikes near the border, as well as cruise missile and drone strikes deeper in Ukraine, hitting major settlements and energy infrastructure.

"Ukraine is also keeping up deep strikes, targeting Russia's early warning and air defense systems in Crimea and Russia," the update concludes.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, referring to British intelligence, the Russian army this month has suffered the largest personnel casualties since war-start.


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