A Blog by Jonathan Low


May 28, 2024

Ukraine's 79th Brigade', Uses Fresh Weapons To Destroy Russians Near Mariinka

Fresh supplies of western ammunition, anti-tank weapons and drones are having an impact across the front, including at Novomykhailivka, near Mariinka. JL 

Militarnyi reports:

Ukraine's 79th Air Assault Brigade neutralized eight Russian armored vehicles near  Novomykhailivka, in the Donetsk region. The paratroopers of the 79th wrecked 2 tanks and 6 armored vehicles (carrying) enemy infantry, and sent more than 80 Russian soldiers, who wanted to earn 200,000 rubles by killing Ukrainians, straight to hell.” Novomykhailivka looks like Mariinka, which the brigade defended for more than a year, almost completely destroyed by the Russian soldiers.

Ukrainian troops repelled a Russian assault near Novomykhailivka, Donetsk region.

The 79th Air Assault Brigade said they had neutralized eight Russian armored vehicles.

“The Russians once again attacked with their equipment and once again got wrecked: 2 tanks and 6 armored vehicles with enemy infantry remained on the battlefield, not reaching our positions,” the military said.


The Brigade added that this time they managed to neutralize at least 80 Russian soldiers.

“The paratroopers of the 79th Separate Tavrian Air Assault Brigade sent more than 80 Russian soldiers, who wanted to earn 200,000 roubles by killing Ukrainians, straight to hell,” the military added.


According to the Deep State map, Novomykhailivka is completely under occupation, but the Russian invaders are trying to advance further.

During the battles near Novomykhailivka, the soldiers of the 79th Separate Tavrian Air Assault Brigade inflicted significant losses on the Russian invaders.


Recently, Yaroslav Chepurnyi, a spokesman for the 79th Air Assault Brigade, said that very heavy fighting is taking place in the area.

“These battles can be called all-out, because the enemy is completely destroying our positions, smashing them with artillery systems and FPV drones. If the enemy captures positions, we also destroy them,” said Yaroslav Chepurnyi.

Новомихайлівка згідно з мапою Deep State станом на 26 травня 2024 року

According to him, Novomykhailivka looks like Mariinka, which the brigade defended for more than a year. Mariinka settlement was almost completely destroyed by the Russian soldiers.


“And now the same thing is happening in Novomykhailivka. Considering that the houses there are small, one-story, many have walls made of clay, and are very easily destroyed, it is no longer a settlement there, but a field,” the press officer added.

Український військовий з ПТРК FGM-148 Javelin на руїнах Новомихайлівки. Травень 2024. Україна. Кадр з відео 79-ї бригади

He added that the enemy’s forces are very powerful. The active phase of fighting for this settlement began sometime in late last fall. During this time, more than 300 units of enemy equipment were destroyed, and 10 Russian military units took part in the assaults.


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