A Blog by Jonathan Low


Aug 18, 2023

Ukrainian Forces Advance At Robotyne Enhanced By Using Leopard Tanks

The significance of this development - in addition to the actual gains against Russian defenses -  is that Ukrainian forces are feeling more confident about again using their advanced western armor, suggesting that Ukraine's counter-battery superiority and laser-guided Swedish man-portable anti-air weapons are making the use of tanks as advantageous as originally planned. JL  

Euromaidan Press reports:

Complaints from Russian sources have emerged regarding the Ukrainian use of Leopard tanks from considerable distances, making identification and destruction challenging. Ukrainian fighters clarified that these Leopards are primarily employed as long-range snipers for fire support. This enables them to unleash swift and devastating fire from several kilometers away, minimizing exposure. (But) Ukraine employed four tanks and armored fighting vehicles to attack. Russian forces (used) Ka-52 helicopters to neutralize the Ukrainian armor. The Ukrainiaan 47th Brigade  downed one helicopter, marking the 8th helicopter shot down by the 47th near Robotyne.

The previous report described the success of Ukrainian forces in a series of well-executed attacks east of Robotyne that pushed Russian forces out of their positions. This strategic maneuver opened the way for the capture of the village of Robotyne itself.

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Upon studying the topographic map, it becomes clear that Ukrainians advanced through the valley. Despite initially appearing to put themselves at a disadvantage by moving into the lowlands, this positioning actually set the stage for a highly advantageous next move.

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With Russians forced out of a small forest, Ukrainians made their way through it, effectively reaching the eastern outskirts of Robotyne. This portion of the forest extends to the hills, affording Ukrainians substantial control over the village’s eastern sector and pushing Russians away from the outer perimeters.

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Furthermore, the deepening of Ukrainian presence and control over Russian trenches southeast of Robotyne jeopardized a critical supply line for the Russians. Beyond disrupting enemy reinforcements, this proximity to supply lines also allows for invaluable intelligence gathering.

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In this instance, Ukrainian forces noticed that Russians were in the process of a troop rotation, exploiting the temporary confusion and diminished control to their advantage. Reports indicate that when Russian troops withdrew from the contact line, Ukrainians launched a reconnaissance-in-force operation, entering Robotyne from the north and penetrating the village center.

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Geolocated footage depicts Russian shelling on Shevchenkiv Street, in the heart of the settlement.

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Despite Russian attempts at a counterattack, Ukrainian positions within the forest proved instrumental, leading to Russian troops becoming caught in the crossfire and ultimately retreating.

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Each side controls roughly 35% of the village, leaving the remaining portion in a contested grey area. Recent developments have also seen Russian forces being pushed out of at least one tree line to the west of the village entirely, with several more being partially vacated.

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Considering the Russian forces’ limited capacity to utilize ground communication lines for supply delivery and troop rotation, holding the settlement for an extended duration appears unlikely. Russian sources have noted an increase in Ukrainian force concentration within the tree lines north of Robotyne, indicating a potential upcoming wave of attacks.

Complaints from Russian sources have emerged regarding the Ukrainian use of Leopard tanks from considerable distances, making identification and destruction challenging. Ukrainian fighters have clarified that these Leopards are primarily employed as long-range snipers for fire support. This approach enables them to unleash swift and devastating fire from several kilometers away, minimizing machine exposure.

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Based on ongoing trends, analysts predict that Ukrainians will likely attempt to create a salient and, if feasible, encircle Russian forces within Robotyne.

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In response to the Ukrainian threat, Russian forces have introduced Ka-52 helicopters to the region, aiming to neutralize the Ukrainian heavy equipment fueling these attacks.

Recent reports indicate that this morning, Ukrainians employed up to four tanks and armored fighting vehicles, prompting the dispatch of helicopters to eliminate the threat.

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Unfortunately for Russians, the 47th Brigade of Ukrainian fighters was prepared and successfully downed one such helicopter. Remarkably, this marks the 8th helicopter shot down by the 47th Brigade near Robotyne.

Reports suggest the soldiers utilized the Swedish man-portable air defense system RBS 70. Distinguishing itself from conventional methods, the RBS 70 employs a laser for precision targeting, rendering the helicopter’s evasion tactics ineffective and significantly enhancing the likelihood of a successful shot.


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