A Blog by Jonathan Low


Aug 20, 2023

Ukrainian Troops In US-Supplied Humvee Survive Direct GRAD Rocket Hit

Reinforcing US-supplied armored vehicles' reputation for toughness and for protecting Ukrainian troops under bombardment. JL 

Mia Jankowicz reports in Business Insider:

Ukrainian soldiers from the 59th Motorized Infantry - five seated and one standing in the turret - were unhurt inside a US-supplied Humvee as the vehicle took a direct hit from a Russian Grad rocket system but was tough enough to keep going, while protecting everyone inside. After the soldiers exit the soldier in the turret ducks down and follows the remaining fighters out of the Humvee, all apparently unharmed. Ukrainian officials have praised the life-preserving qualities of speedy, robust military vehicles that have been donated by the US.

Dramatic footage shared by Ukraine's Ministry of Defense shows Ukrainian soldiers apparently unhurt inside a US-supplied Humvee as it is hit by an explosion.

The one-minute video shows the view from inside the vehicle's cabin, facing five seated soldiers and one standing in the turret, who is firing off multiple rounds.

After three of the soldiers exit, the firing continues until the vehicle is suddenly rocked by a strike and engulfed in flames and smoke.

Remarkably, the soldier in the turret ducks down and follows the remaining fighters out of the Humvee after the strike, all apparently unharmed.

Insider was unable to independently verify that the soldiers were unhurt, and has reached out to the 59th Motorized Infantry Brigade for further confirmation. 

The footage shared by Ukraine's MOD was taken from this short documentary, which describes the Humvee as having been destroyed while under artillery fire in a Russian-laid minefield, but says the soldiers inside "regrouped."

A still from a video inside a humvee in Ukraine after it is hit by a missile. Amid smoke, the turret operator is seen exiting the vehicle, in footage shared August 16 2023. .
The Humvee's turret operator is seen exiting the humvee amid clouds of smoke, apparently unharmed, in footage shared on August 16, 2023. 
59th Motorized Infantry Brigade/Ukraine MOD/Twitter

As of August, the US had committed more than 2,000 Humvees — formally known as high mobility multi-purpose wheeled vehicles — in aid packages to Ukraine since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion, including those promised in a $200 million package announced on Monday.

Ukrainian officials have previously praised the life-preserving qualities of speedy, robust military vehicles that have been donated by the US.

In June, Ukraine's deputy defense secretary, Hanna Maliar, shared images of a Bradley infantry fighting vehicle that she said had taken a hit.

Maliar said the vehicle took a direct hit from a Russian Grad rocket system — but was tough enough to keep going, while protecting everyone inside.


In a tweet sharing the footage, the Ukrainian ministry thanked the US for the vehicle, saying: "Your Humvees save the lives of our soldiers."


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