A Blog by Jonathan Low


Mar 21, 2024

Failed Russian Attack At Siverskyi Exemplifies Ukrainian Defensive Successes

Ukrainian troops like those in the 54th Mechanized Brigade continue to defeat Russian attempts to go on the offensive with their preponderance of  manpower and equipment, while degrading their strategic capabilities. 

The Russians cannot seem to believe that the Ukrainians are still fighting so fiercely - but Russian tactics show no adaptation, resulting in heavy losses and unachieved objectives along the front. JL  

Militarnyi reports:

Close to the contact line, the Russian offensive convoy stalled because it started moving in the wrong direction. After proceeding in the right direction, the Russian armored vehicles ran into a minefield, laid the night before using drones.. The column consisted of six armored vehicles in total, of which two were lost. FPV drones of the 118th Territorial Defense Brigade started firing at enemy tanks and IFVs as the enemy lost another IFV with infantry. The Russians lost 5 units of military equipment and one damaged. Manpower losses were 34 eliminated.

The servicemen of the K-2 Battalion of the 54th Mechanized Brigade demonstrated how they fought off an assault in the Siverskyi sector of the Donetsk region.

The press service of the K-2 Battalion published the video of the incident.

Initially, the Russian offensive was organized, but closer to the contact line, the enemy convoy stalled because it started moving in the wrong direction.


After proceeding in the right direction, the Russian armored vehicles ran into a minefield. The column consisted of six armored vehicles in total, of which two were lost.

It should be noted that the unit laid minefields the night before the offensive using drones.

In addition, artillery and FPV drones of the 118th Territorial Defense Brigade started firing at enemy tanks and IFVs. As a result of the combined attack, the enemy lost another IFV with infantry.

After the convoy’s movement stalled, the enemy infantry started to rush in with the support of a working tank.


Realizing that their assault had failed, the tank started to leave the battlefield and left the infantry without heavy support. As a result of the chaos in their ranks, one part of the infantry went to storm the Ukrainian positions, while the other remained near the damaged vehicles.

To destroy the enemy infantry, the battalion engaged drones that destroyed the remnants of the infantry with well-aimed drops.

​​In total, during the failed offensive, the enemy lost 5 units of military equipment and one was damaged. Manpower losses include 34 invaders that were eliminated.

Militarnyi previously reported that Ukrainian tankers of the 54th Brigade drove close to the invaders and knocked them out of the forestry area in the Kharkiv region.

The battle took place northwest of the village of Orlyanske, Kharkiv region.


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