A Blog by Jonathan Low


Apr 21, 2024

The Kremlin Was Shocked By US War Aid Vote, Had No Plan B. NATO Is Stronger

Just as the Kremlin believed false reports that its military was dominant and would crush Ukraine, so they apparently thought that their suborning of Trump and US Republican Congressmen assured that Ukraine military aid would be defeated. 

The Russians appear to be shocked by the turn of events and evidently had no Plan B. US weaponry and ammunition could reach Ukraine within the week, stymieing Russia's spring offensive plans and suddenly changing war fighting prospects again. JL  

Anton Gerashchenko reports in Twitter:

It seems approval of aid for Ukraine by the US Congress came as a big surprise to Russia. Judging by their reaction, believed there would be no help and had no Plan B. Ukraine and the West are destroying the remnants of the high-tech part of the Russian army. Another year of such a war and Russia will be left with last century weapons and meat assaults. Strategic aircraft, and the navy will be largely destroyed. NATO and China continue to increase their high tech weaponry stocks. Russia is playing tactics in Ukraine, and losing strategically. In a direct confrontation with NATO, it has less chance.It seems that the approval of aid for Ukraine by the US Congress came as a big surprise to Russia.t seems that the approval of aid for Ukraine by the US Congress came as a big surprise to Russia. Judging by their reaction, they had no plan B and believed there would be no help. But, it turns out that now Ukraine and the West are destroying the remnants of the high-tech part of the Russian army to bring it back to the 20th century. Another year of such a war and all Russia will be left with will be last cehancntury weapons and meat assaults. Aviation, especially strategic aircraft, and the navy will be largely destroyed. Meanwhile, NATO and China continue to increase their high tech weaponry stocks. Russia is playing tactics in Ukraine, and losing strategically. In a direct confrontation with NATO, it has less and less chances. Aid to Ukraine is essentially an ultimatum. It will now be about exhausting Russia.


The US Congress surprising Russia with aid to Ukraine reveals Russia's Iack of strategic planning. Ukraine and the West's actions thrẹ́aten to dọ́wngrade Russia's military to last century's standards, weàkening its position against NATO. Yesterday's statements by Medvedev and Peskov are full of confusion and spite.


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