A Blog by Jonathan Low


Apr 29, 2024

Ukraine Drones, Troops Halt Russian Progress Towards Chasiv Yar

The situation at Chasiv Yar, while still challenging, appears to have stabilized over the weekend as Ukrainian reinforcements and drone units have stymied Russian attacks. 

The Ukrainians, buoyed by impending arrival of renewed weapons and ammunition, are taking advantage of Russian tactical errors. JL 

Yuri Zoria reports in Euromaidan Press:

Russian forces are intensifying efforts to capture Chasiv Yar. (But) Ukrainian drone units say everything Russia sends to capture the city is being destroyed byUkrainian forces. The Russians “were tasked with capturing the city by 9 May, and we were tasked with preventing them from doing so,” and the Russians haven’t made territorial gains. “They are stopped in Bohdanivka and Ivanivske. To the south, Klishchiivka and Andriivka, they also tried to several positions, but the 92nd Brigade regained them. Anything moving toward Chasiv Yar faces destruction.

Russian forces are intensifying efforts to capture Chasiv Yar in Donetsk Oblast before 9 May, Russia’s WWII Victory Day, deploying all available units to the assault. A Ukrainian drone unit commander says currently everything Russia sends to capture the city is destroyed by the Ukrainian forces.

The ISW think tank assessed on 26 April that Russian forces pose a credible threat to seizing Chasiv Yar, although it may not happen swiftly. The strategically located city, situated 10 kilometers from Bakhmut, stands on commanding heights beneficial for defensive operations. According to the Ukrainian military, Russian forces on the eastern outskirts of Chasiv Yar have been intensifying their efforts to capture the city since March 2024.

Oles Maliarevych, deputy commander of the “Achilles” drone strike battalion within the 92nd Separate Assault Brigade, shared on Hromadske Radio that they are actively engaging any Russian movement toward the city. Maliarevych emphasized the collaboration of multiple brigades, including the 92nd Separate Assault Brigade, in this critical defensive operation.

Maliarevich says the Russians “were tasked with capturing the city by 9 May, and we were tasked with preventing them from doing so,” and the Russian forces didn’t make any territorial gains, according to him.

They are stopped in the area of Bohdanivka, in the area of Ivanivske. To the south, Klishchiivka and Andriivka, they also tried to seize the territory. Several positions were lost there, but the day before yesterday, the 92nd Brigade regained the positions,” Maliarevych said on 28 April.

On 14 April, Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi reported that Russia’s intensified efforts to capture Chasiv Yar in Donetsk Oblast west of Bakhmut after the Russian military leadership set a deadline for its troops to seize the city by 9 May, Russia’s date for VE Day.

Situation in the Bakhmut-Chasiv Yar sector as of 29 April 2024, according to Deepstatemap.
In his remarks, the military noted that the situation was very difficult and the Russians were “really doing everything possible to capture at least something along the canal line and even a little further.”

Maliarevich further remarked on speculation regarding Russia’s alleged capture of several commanding heights in the area, stressing that this information was unfounded, attributing its spread to sensationalist bloggers and journalists.

Nearby is the settlement of Novyi Chasiv Yar, on the other side of the canal, near Chasiv Yar. Several enemy assault groups reached there and were destroyed at the same moment, but for some reason, bloggers decided to say that Russians were in Chasiv Yar. They were there, but only for a short time and did not reach the heights,” Maliarevich noted.

Situation near Bakhmut and Chasiv Yar, Donetsk Oblast, as of 29 April 2024, according to Deepstatemap

He added:

In essence, anything moving toward Chasiv Yar faces destruction.


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