A Blog by Jonathan Low


May 8, 2024

Chasiv Yar Didnt Fall By Putin's Inauguration. Russian Forces' Attrition Is Why

To the right is a real picture of a Russian 'attack motorbike' powered by a chain saw. Such bikes are used by Russian infantry to speedily attack across an increasingly lethal front.  

But if the so-called "#2 Army In the World" is reduced to these circumstances, global dominance is unlikely soon. Russian units were ordered to capture Chasiv Yar by Putin's inauguration today. It didn't happen and the attrition such contraptions illustrate is a big part of the reason. JL 

Decimus reports in Daily Kos:

Ukraine’s attrition of Russia’s armored formations is beginning to tell.  As soon as what’s left of Russia’s once huge supply of armored vehicles gets on the road for an assault,  the ever-present Ukrainian weaponized eyes in the sky(armed FPV drones) descend on them, halt or slow them down long enough for artillery to zero in and deliver the coup de grâce. Attrition is forcing the Russians to go back to an old WWII Soviet era tactic of small size assault troops via fast moving imported Chinese golf carts and motor bikes. (But) there is no way a motor cycle or a golf cart can out run an FPV. Putin had hoped to have of Chasiv Yar taken in time for his presidential re-inauguration today. But that ain’t happening.

It is not going well. As General Zaluzhnyi predicted a few months ago before his ouster as Ukraine’s Commander-in-Chief, the war in Ukraine is increasingly boiling down to who controls the electromagnetic space or innovates the fastest and best.  Both sides are doing their best to get some kind of an edge. The Russian brute force bludgeoning of Avdiivka(wittingly or unwittingly aided and abetted by Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives) notwithstanding, Ukraine’s attrition of Russia’s armored formations is beginning to tell.  As soon as what’s left of Russia’s once huge supply of armored vehicles gets on the road for an assault, it seems the ever-present Ukrainian weaponized eyes in the sky(armed FPV drones) descend on them, halt or slow them down long enough for artillery to zero in and deliver the coup de grâce.

And with the recent delivery of US and other European aid, the pace of attrition is picking up forcing the Russians to tack up another innovation … in this case going back to an old WWII Soviet era tactic of trying rapid insertion of small size assault troops via fast moving imported Chinese golf carts and domestically produced(sometimes artisan) motor bikes.  The Ukrainian eyes in the sky are not letting them through.  If spotted, there is no way a motor cycle or a golf cart can out run an FPV.  And it’s not a pretty picture.


Putin had hoped to have the town of Chasiv Yar bludgeoned and taken, at all costs, by now … in time for his illegal presidential re-inauguration today.  But that ain’t happening.  As costly as Avdiivka was for Russia to take, Chasiv Yar will be even more so.  I have gone as far out on that long thin limb in a recent post to say that Chasiv Yar may well be Putin’s “Waterloo”.  I believe JRB(our awesome President) and increasingly the Europeans intend to make it so. I will say it again … Putin’s orcs will not make it to Kramatorsk or Slovyiansk from Chasiv Yar.  Just as they failed doing so from Izyum.  Remember when we used to get daily updates from Mark Sumner and kos about the Russian “Izyum Salient”?  History is about to repeat itself at Chasiv Yar.


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