A Blog by Jonathan Low


Jun 10, 2024

As Russian Losses Grow, Convicts Used Up, Kremlin Recruits Africans To Fight

As Russian losses continue to grow in Kharkiv, Chasiv Yar, Ocheteryne and other Ukrainian battlefields, the Kremlin is increasingly turning to recruiting impoverished Africans to fight in its Ukraine war. 

A major part of the reason is that the Kremlin is trying to avoid further mobilization, both because it is unpopular and because it is already facing manpower shortages in its factories, which is hurting production of both military and civilian goods. The use of convicts has been curtailed because most who were physically capable of serving have already been recruited and are either dead or wounded. JL 

The New Voice of Ukraine reports:

Russia stepped up on recruitment of Africans for the war against Ukraine to avoid mobilization within Russia. The recruitment campaign allows it to compensate for significant Russian losses at the front (as) itt has exhausted resources of prisoners who can be sent to the frontlines. The expanded recruitment of foreigners, is (focused) particularly in Central African countries Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, and Uganda. Russia is reportedly offering a sign-up bonus of $2,000, monthly pay of $2,200 and the promise of a russian passport.

Russia stepped up on recruitment of Africans for the war against Ukraine to avoid mobilization within Russia, stated report by UK Ministry of Defense on X on June 10.

It is noted that Russia probably exhausted resources of prisoners who can be sent to the frontlines. Therefore, they expanded recruitment of foreigners, particularly in Central African countries such as Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, and Uganda. 


Russia is reportedly offering a sign-up bonus of $2,000, monthly pay of $2,200 and the promise of a russian passport, the UK Defense Intelligence reports.

Russia's recruitment campaign allows it to compensate significant Russian losses at the front and support offensive operations, statement said.


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